Just keep in mind by increasing the frequency of these reports, youll be using more of the battery, so battery life will be affected. Wow, once I figured out how to use a tenth of its capabilities, this thing is amazing! 2:49 PM components/influxdb.py (ERROR). Im rather confident the issue is with me, but after googling InfluxDB and reading through examples, playing with variants of possibilities Im out of good answers for what Im doing wrong here. Click "Add" button and in the "variable" field enter TZ and in the "Value" field enter your timezone in format continent/City (you can find a list here). Switch back to the Grafana tab in your browser. This is where I leave you. The good news is youre not the only one experiencing this. Statistics in Home Assistant with InfluxDB and Grafana. bartweemaels January 27, 2022, 9:40pm 1. I am stuck though with this error in HASSIO logs, Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. The host IP is the IP of the running InfluxDB container. let me know if that works for you. Click "Select" button to go back to previous window. Ive added a link to the menu which links to Grafana for now. Open HomeAssistant "configuration.yaml" file. Optional path of a CA certificate to be used during SSL verification. A addict that is. mount type=bind,source=/volume1/docker/grafana,target=/var/lib/grafana It contains all the information from this article and much more. i believe thats a zwave right? I'm a very Newbie but nevertheless managed to start a couple of integrations successfully. I commented out logbook: & history: and deleted the home-assistant db file, and that did not impact the InfluxDb functionality. For 2.xx SSL verification is required, library provides no way to disable it. not sure what you mean. It is stored inside the add-ons persistent storage space (usually referred to as /data in the Hassio world). Retrying again in 60 seconds. You should only file an issue if you found a bug. Go back to the InfluxDB web GUI and click on the fourth icon from the top on the left side, called "Explore". Please be aware of the underlying InfluxDB mechanism that converts non-string attributes to strings and adds a _str suffix to the attribute name in this case. Ok that makes sense. What is the temperature in the room right now? would be a classic question answered by sensor data. Node-RED is a flow-based development tool for visual programming which can be added to home assistant as a integration / add-on. Are you able to change the host to might help. This is a basic way to look at the data captured by Home Assistant. The most important job of a smart home system is to automatically control your devices, to help and support you. In my case I decided to only send data about all of my sensors. Click on "Environment" tab. This will create a new query under B. I changed HA to run network host and added a firewall rule for port 8123. If it doesnt use home-assistant_v2.db, can logbook: and history: be removed from configuration.yaml or is there some dependency? Each sensors state is set by configuring an InfluxQL query. It tells me that its syntactically correct, but returns no values. And for helping others, here's my docker-compose that works on my Synology NAS (via Portainer): This is great. Any idea how I could pull data from influxdb and create new sensors in HA please? We'll be presented with the InfluxDB Web Interface. 2018-01-24 15:00:57,532 INFO spawned: grafana with pid 1565 The list of domains to be included in recording to InfluxDB. Im using localhost because my Home Assistant Docker container is running on the same machine. no problem. It will allow you to visualize data as well. If not set, defaults to ns. 1.xx only - The password for the database user account. After modifying your Home Assistant config be sure to restart Home Assistant (I usually do this through the Configuration UI). I did it according to your proposal and indeed the upgrade went seamless. This means that the data in this bucket will never be deleted. So at this point Im expecting youve got InfluxDB and Grafana installed and up-and-running. Click the AND to change it to an OR. InfluxDB, Home Assistant & Grafana - Energy & Power. In most cases you can leave the default query as is and just select the entity you are looking for in the FROM part. Might be an issue with the template youre using to extract them. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker. Heres where it can get a bit tricky. Thats what I have in for my setup as well. If data is showing up than your Home Assistant and InfluxDB configuration is working. One thing you should add to your Home Assistant service is the, The second service is our new InfluxDB service. Sets the default database for sensors, individual sensors can also read from a different database. In very short time you can create a custom dashboard that includes diagrams or current status numbers for your devices. Now lets add the fancy gauges. I decided to go with MariaDB in a docker container and this step should improve performance and make my SD card last a lot longer. Where does the data for InfluxDB come from and where is it stored? Nice job! Once the data is stored in the database you can analyze it for trends, create graphs and use the data in other applications. Afterwards we will connect it to Home Assistant. This adds a yellow line, and the entire graph now has the living room temperature compared to the outside temperature. Power levels reported by my Aeotec Smart Switch 6 units are recorded in attributes for example. You need to do the following steps in order to get this working: Click on "OPEN WEB UI" to open the admin web-interface provided by this add-on. Influx vs Prometheus vs Timescale. Well, thankfully there's a trick that we can use. Once it restarts, Home Assistant should start sending data to InfluxDB. Now that everything is set up I can always pretty easily add more data in the future. HomeAssistant - Running in a VM as Home Assistant Operating System on one host - IP, InfluxDB, Grafana - Running in Docker containers on another host (Synology) - IP Hass features an energy dashboard in which energy generation, storage and usage data can be combined in a dashboard giving a total overview of energy flow. Watch on. Click on the "HomeAssistant - Write" token (directly on the name) and a window will open where a long string will be shown. The database must already exist. Username and password (for the homeassistant user in the database we created above) needs to be put into the secrets.yaml file in the form of influxdb_user:homeassistant. Lets go! To limit which entities are being exposed to InfluxDB, you can use the include and exclude parameters. 2.xx only - Auth token with WRITE access to your chosen Organization and Bucket. If you want to show your appreciation, consider supporting me for buying a cup of high octane wakey juice via one of the platforms below! The built-in history tool is a little bit more powerful but also not that much better. influxdb: host: username: homeassistant password: passwd . Do I have to take special care on anything here? Thank you! We could adjust our GROUP BY interval higher, to something like an hour which might solve that. All that is left to do is to tweak this a bit, by assigning a title to the panel and saving the dashboard by clicking the "Save" button on the top-right corner. Privacy Policy. Btw there is one bug in Grafana which the team is pushing on InfluxDB about displaying no graphs for a queried time range if there was no value written to the DB. # Home Assistant Community Add-on: InfluxDB InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. Both running on docker on the same host It wont take you long before your Home Assistant database sizes are in gigabytes, and your home automation starts to slow down because of it. host: In my case this is living_temperature_198 which comes from my Vera Lite. Verify SSL certificate for HTTPS request. So, it could be you have to keep your HA online for 24 hours so it receives the updates from all the nodes. Select the whole query and copy it into clipboard. Is there a way to get it to update at least every hr or so? Open the InfluxDB web GUI in a new tab and login. Defines the units of measurement of the sensor, if any. Thanks for posting your docker run command. adguardhome-sync is a small tool that allows you to set up an auto synced backup instance for Adguard Read more, Home Assistant is an awesome system but when you get started the terminology can be confusing. -p 22022:22 Why run HA in a VM but components it needs in containers? If you are using Docker and both containers are on the same network you can simply reach it via containername:port. SHOW MEASUREMENTS ON " eg: homeassistant" You can do that using the iFrame panel component. 2018-06-18 14:38:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.setup] Setup failed for influxdb: Component failed to initialize. Hi Phil, I already described how to use it with OpenHab in an earlier post. Looks awsome, anyway to get this into a normal hassbian or is it only hass.io? Click the "Save & test" button. So I have no idea why its not working for you. It's useful for recording metrics, sensor data, events, and performing analytics. Where does the data for InfluxDB come from and where is it stored? I havent tested them myself yet, but this might get it working for you. Alternatively, you can use a DSMR reader that send data to MQTT directly. All my sensors from hassio are reporting to that influxdb next to my mariadb (short term). This is a great way to keep your Home Assistant automations clean and tidy, by letting a reporting system take care of alerting you to a less critical problem. Here is a quick explanation what automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts are in Home Assistant. All indications were good but I am not getting any data from home assistant first I used the loopback address in my YAML file because I am running both home assistant and Influx on the same NAS. Entries will be limited, since they will start from the moment that you have added HomeAssistant->InfluxDB config into HomeAssistant. Just note that if you ever destroy the container, the updates will be lost. port: 8086 I certainly had to piecemeal things from a whole bunch of sources. InfluxDB is an open source time series database, which makes it useful for recording metrics, events and performing analytics. It works! Grafana can be used to read this data and display some very pretty graphs. This way if you decide to upgrade to a newer version of InfluxDB/Grafana in the future, youll have the data available on your host machine, and it wont get destroyed if you remove the Docker container from your system. In the overview screen I see the battery sensor now ( no errors anymore whoohooo ), but its giving me n/a What could be wrong ? If things are good, you should now see in the top part of the window the graph representing contents of your query. For example I recently also added logs to the dashboard. "state" WHERE time > now() AND "entity_id"='[entity that returns home/not_home]'. So I think it has something to do with template.py ? Database and user are the ones we created above. I hope you'll get through it OK :-). On the left side choose the "Explore" icon. Go to the TTECK proxmox scripts . The one with the + sign, named "Create". To answer these types of questions, we need to use a separate system. USE "homeassistant"; DELETE FROM "C " WHERE "entity_id" = 'tasmota_analog_temperature_2' AND time < '2021-04-04', Here is an additional link explaining some concepts: InfluxDB. I had issues with Grafana not having permissions to the share I gave it on my Synology. Home Assistant basics II what the heck are automations, blueprints, scenes and scripts? Thats very annoying (and another reason for me not to upgrade DSM). Maybe the entity_id has changed or something. You're now in the InfluxDB web GUI. Since this will be a copy off the data in HA itself, I would recommend to use a separate LXC to run Influxdb. If so, just use the same as above, but switch out the name to the new sensor in the value_template. You might be able to use custom_ui or something to put an iframe inside Home Assistant, and then grab the URL for the graph from inside Graphana. You should see a token for your username already created. Search for "Grafana" and double-click on the top entry. Youll be able to setup multiple dashboards, and even multiple users. I do this so I can first run it to ensure everything still works, before pushing it to the main latest tag when I get time. After saving, I strongly recommend validating the changes by using the Check configuration button on the developer tab. Once some data has been exported into InfluxDB, you should be able to see your entities data like this: I hope this has been helpful. No problem, and can you see the attributes for the battery level in the states panel? That is to be expected. In this blog post I'll elaborate how I managed to get long term data history for my home assistant setup with InfluxDB. This add-on comes with Chronograf & Kapacitor pre-installed as well. Configure which integrations should be included in recordings to InfluxDB. Of course host and port needs to be adapted to where you can reach the InfluxDB database from your Home Assitant host. So if using v2, youll also need an API token from InfluxDB. Quick question: How do you control the size of the Influxdb? This means that in a home scenario you'll most likely just have one. {% endif %}' At the moment we'll be interested in the "Data" section which is third icon from the top on the left side of the GUI. Your Grafana instance is now configured to retrieve and display data from InfluxDB. So wonder if they just renamed $interval to $__interval. Then you can easily restore back to the older version if necessary. Under the retention policy setting, you can edit the Duration for which InfluxDB will hold data. If I determine that the Supervised HA doesn't hold any particular benefits for me, I'll most likely migrate that to Docker as well in the future. While this may be what you want, it can have big implications for storage consumption, depending how much data your environment generates. To do so, modify your Home Assistant configuration.yaml to include the details of your InfluxDB installation. If you wish, you could continue and select specific sensors or just decide that this is sufficient for the test. Grafana is connecting to the DB without any issue It is not the only add-on I have created; there are many many more. Anyway of showing as a correct percentage? Or when the sensor wakes? Example InfluxQL: Install InfluxDB. InfluxDB, Grafana - Running in Docker containers on another host (Synology) - IP New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and if often used in combination with . Go to Synology Docker app and in the "Registry" section search for "InfluxDB" and double-click the top entry. Lucky for you, I turn that C8H10N4O2 (caffeine molecule) into code (and add-ons)! With most of our . Finally under the Value column, set the Postfix to % and the Unit to Percent (0-100). The primary goal of our add-ons project is to provide you (as an Hassio / Home Assistant user) with additional, high quality, add-ons that allow you to take your automated home to the next level. 2.xx only - Name of the bucket (not the generated bucket ID) within your Organization to read from. Also, do a docker ps -a to see if the old container (which was running before the reboot) is still there, but just not running. That should fix it for you. You should get a response back with a list of measurements being taken. This add-on is provided by the Home Assistant Community Add-ons project. Once influxdb.yaml is saved, we can add it to the main Home Assistant config like so. These should limit resultset to one table, or any beyond the first will be ignored. But i cant seem to set username and password to protect it from the outside? {{ states.zwave.fibaro_system_fgms001zw5_motion_sensor.attributes.battery_level }} Click on the "Generate Token" menu and select the "Read/Write Token" option. Luckily for us, Home Assistant already has InfluxDB export capability built in, so all we need to do is configure it. That indentation doesn't look correct, and I think you need to specify the entities explicitly, rather than from a group. In "Default Bucket" field enter name of the bucket you created in InfluxDB. On the left side of the UI, open the Influx Admin panel and click '+ Create Database' at the top. Hey Vince, thanks. I haven't yet had time to dig into details of this thing :-), Followed your config and the integration worked perfectly, thank you for posting. Tokens are (for our purposes) a replacement for user accounts. # Ensure the version matches your InfluxDB instance. The list of entity ids to be excluded from recording to InfluxDB. That doesnt really help you for the moment. exclude: entity_globs: "*". You can set z-wave parameters from within Home Assistant. rtsecs). This can be used to present statistics as Home Assistant sensors, if used with the influxdb history component. If there's a tag named "entity_id" with that value, it will be dropped, and if instead there's a field, nothing will happen. your more machine than man. Once youve run that query, a new database will have been created for Home Assistant to use. Seems very strange. InfluxDB. For example, in InfluxDB Cloud it looks like this: https://us-west-2-1.aws.cloud2.influxdata.com/orgs/{OrganizationID}. API version to use. If you notice that your fridge/freezer has started to use more power than usual, it might need a new seal or something. Built with github pages You can also configure it to refresh automatically. Here we will point Grafana towards the bucket on the InfluxDB server. Any ideas why this would be? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bd57a5daa931c1379c57e296f4b358ab6e80a1950257bf014de60dba55bd1c20.jpg. port: 3004. Then use the new sensor.sonos_volume in your Grafana instance. With all that configured, you are now ready for the fun stuff. Got started with a nice System-Monitor Dash. You can set it to almost anything else, but then you'll always have to keep that in mind later. Once selected, change the SELECT field(value) so it reads field(battery_level). Several other more or less random things :-). I chose docker/Grafana. Section 1 - Deploy InfluxDB 2.x in Docker I need to find ways to import the graphs back into Home Assistant now! So, from my Google research it looks like you have to set the connection pool when connecting to InfluxDB. Is it primarily for energy monitoring? It exposes an HTTP API for client interaction and is often used in combination with Grafana to visualize the data. Can you try $interval instead? Battery percentages over time, see how quickly batteries are used across your sensors to identify which ones are depleting the quickest, Power usage for main appliances like TVs, Fridges, Heaters and Airconditioners, Moisture levels in your indoor plants (I use the, Download rates for applications like Transmission, TV Volume Level (I can see what volume levels my, Humidity Levels in bathrooms to see what time of day people are showering or whos having extra long showers (. This is the challenging part. Defines the data selection clause (the where clause of the query). Well, for the Home Assistant UI, once youve made your attributes their own sensors with template sensors it should be a simple matter of just adding the applicable entity_id to your groups file. So for now, I need to run a VM for HA instead of a docker. InfluxDB is an open source time series database optimized for high-write-volume. I had to chown it with 472:472. Once youre happy that the changes are valid, hit the restart button on the same tab. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. Just installed grafana and influxdb on Synology and configure them with HomeAssistant and just love this. Here you will create an administrative user and your first (and maybe only) organization and a bucket. You are better off with a SQL store like MariaDB if you want to do that. Once the access is possible you can connect Home Assistant to the database by using a configuration like this: Details can be found here but this small setup is good enough for me. Now for the grafana graphs. The list of entity ids to be included in recording to InfluxDB. To obtain this, open the UI of your 2.xx installation, the URL at the top will have it after /orgs. v1 allows API authentication by username and password, whereas v2, which Im using here, only allows tokens. If theres some awesome new features etc that make the upgrade worth it, I might update the image to those versions too. The battery sensor or the Grafana charts? Needed with token configuration variable. In my case I've got several temperature sensors setup in HomeAssistant. However long-term trends and data can also be important. influxdb: My battery sensors all of a sudden show N/A% even though my other sensors are still giving data. The bad news is thats not on the official Home Assistant repo yet. 2018-01-24 15:01:23,834 INFO reaped unknown pid 1711 Again just take some time and play around with those values. you could try this: This attribute contains domain-specific integration override values. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
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